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Baby Care Equipments

Sunshine Single Surface
Phototherapy Unit (LED)
In the new born period i.e. birth to one month, jaundice can pose a serious problem, because high level of the bilirubin, which is not water soluble, can be decomposed to a harmless metabolic which iswater soluble, does not cross blood brain barrier and is rapidly excreted in the bile and urine and so does not accumulate.This has been achieved by exposing the infant to bright light (approximately4.5micro watts/sqcm/nm) in the range of 420-480nm wave length by use of conventional phototherapy unit has been one of our most important focus in the field of neonatalogy for many years. In order to remove the limitation off luorescentand CFL tubes, We has utilised long lasting, durable, more efficient and cost effective LEDs with more than double the flux as against what is radiated from conventional, fluorescent and CFL, for jaundice treatment.

Sunshine Double Surface
Phototherapy Unit (LED)
In the new born period i.e. birth to one month, jaundice can pose a serious problem, because high level of the bilirubin, which is not water soluble, can be decomposed to a harmless metabolic which iswater soluble, does not cross blood brain barrier and is rapidly excreted in the bile and urine and so does not accumulate.This has been achieved by exposing the infant to bright light (approximately4.5micro watts/sqcm/nm) in the range of 420-480nm wave length by use of conventional phototherapy unit has been one of our most important focus in the field of neonatalogy for many years. In order to remove the limitation off luorescentand CFL tubes, We has utilised long lasting, durable, more efficient and cost effective LEDs with more than double the flux as against what is radiated from conventional, fluorescent and CFL, for jaundice treatment.

Baby Bassinet
Baby bassinet with fold down / drop down panels. Head down position, on both sides with X-ray facility. A big shelf at the bottom for keeping consumables.
Oxygen Hood
Single piece polycarbonate & silicon adjustable oxygen hood.
Ambu Bags
  • Rugged 100% Autoclavable
  • Reusable 500ml silicone bellow
  • Non rebreathing valve with 40cm of H2O pressure release
  • Mask size : No. 01
  • PVC Oxygen reservoir & oxygen tubing.

We are one of the trustworthy firms of the industry engaged in offering a wide range of Medical Equipments to our valued customers.
Contact Info
3426 (B) Ground Floor, Mahendra Park
Rani Bagh, Delhi-110034